Celebration of the World Bioethics Day in the Volgograd state medical university





The article presents the results of research activities which were undertaken in Volgograd Medical University to celebrate the World Bioethics Day. The theme of scientific events organized on the basis of the Department of Bioethics, Philosophy and Medical Law with a course of the sociology of medicine with the participation of the Department of Ethical, Legal and Sociological Expertise in Medicine of Volgograd Medical Scientific Center is “Benefit and Harm”. The article presents the Program of holding a scientific online conference with international participation and the results of the essay competition among students and young scientists.


Since 2016, on the basis of the Department of Bioethics, Philosophy and Law with a course in the Sociology of medicine at Volgograd State Medical University with the participation of the Department of Ethical, Legal and Sociological Expertise in Medicine of the Volgograd Medical Research Center, the World Bioethics Days are celebrated annually on October 19. The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance. On 19 October 2005, the 33rd Session of the General Conference of UNESCO adopted the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. The Declaration embodies a set of bioethical principles that has been agreed upon by 191 Member States of UNESCO after an intense elaboration and consultation process involving independent and governmental experts from all regions of the world. This set of bioethical principles provides a common global platform by which bioethics can be introduced and strengthened within each Member State, and UNESCO is mandated to promote, disseminate and elaborate these principles for practical purposes. Within the framework of the World Bioethics Day, an essay and poster competition is organized among students. The theme of the competition is announced by the leadership of the International Network of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics. In 2016, when the celebration of the World Bioethics Day was celebrated for the first time, the theme of the competition was “Human Dignity and Human Rights,” as well as the title of one of the 15 principles of Bioethics (Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, 2005). This year at Volgograd State Medical University, in the year of the 15th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, within the framework of the World Bioethics Day, the Volgograd Unit of the International Network of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics held the International scientific online conference of students and young scientists. The slogan of the conference, as well as the topic of celebration of the World Bioethics Day, was announced by the leadership of the International Network of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa) -“Benefit and Harm”. Famous scientists and teachers of bioethics took part in the online conference. The President of the Volgograd State University of Medicine, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladimir Ivanovich Petrov opened the conference with greeting. The conference was attended by Russian and foreign speakers: • Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Law, Head of the Local Ethics Committee Natalya Nikolaevna Sedova; • Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pharmacology of the Yaroslavl State Medical University, Alexander Leonidovich Hohlov; • The visiting lecturer of medical scientists in Hannover, associate professor of the Medical College of Oldenburg, Dr. Frank Scheffka (Germany); • Director of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic of the National Hospital, Dr. Hussein Ismail (United Arab Emirates); • Director of Sino-Guinean friendship hospital, Head of cardiology department, Professor at university of Conakry, medical counselor of the President, Professor Tolno Sandy Cola (Guinea); • Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Yerevan State Medical University, Head of the Armenian Unit of the International Network of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics Davtyan Susanna (Armenia). In their speeches, the speakers discussed the importance of bioethics for medicine and biomedical research, about the benefits and harms of medicine. Medicine and its various aspects are one of the most significant components of modern human civilization. Nowadays, more and more problems regarding healthcare and the human condition have become a concern in the field of medicine. It means that medicine is becoming more prominent in some human aspects over social, cultural or political fields. Although medicalization has its benefits, there are some consequences to it. The medicalization shifts the border between the normal and pathological. Some ‘abnormal’ indications which are caused by underlying social and economic reasons are defined as ‘symptoms’. This leads to the neglect of the role of social policy. Medicaliza-tion defines behavior as a medical problem or illness. It i s easier for political institutions to address a disease or a syndrome than digging into the reasons behind the pathological conditions. For example, it is far more swift for the Ministry of Welfare to address medical needs of depressed alcoholics rather than finding a solution to help them quit this habit or to solve the related social or economic reasons (joblessness, financial problems, work pressure, pressure from studies, etc.). In addition, foreign speakers spoke about the peculiarities of national medicine from the standpoint 59 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ НАУЧНО-ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ 2 (26) 2020 A.D. Donika. summed up the results of the student essay competition and announced the winners. The first place was taken by the work of the 3rd year student of the Faculty of Medicine Fung Siu Ling (Malaysia), the second place - the work of the 2nd year student of the Faculty of Dentistry Morozov Savva, the third place - the essay of the student of the Faculty of Medicine Strelchenko Alexandra. ш V ш ■ In the photo: The President of the Volgograd State Medical University, Academician V.I. Petrov opened the conference with greeting of bioethics, how bioethics developed in their states. Professor Davtyan Susanna showed the conference participants wonderful slides about the history of bioethics in Armenia. In the final part the conference, the Head of the Russian (Volgograd) Unit of the International Network of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics International Network of UNESCO Bioethics Chairs, Professor


A. Donika

Volgograd Medical Scientific Center; Volgograd State Medical University

Email: addonika@yandex.ru
Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Senior Researcher of the Department of Ethical, Legal and Sociological Expertise in Medicine, Volgograd Medical Scientific Center, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Law with the course ofsociology of medicine at the Volgograd State Medical University, Head of the Russian Unit of the International Network of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics

A. Strelchenko

Volgograd State Medical University

Email: biosoc2008@yandex.ru
Student of the Faculty of General Medicine, Volgograd State Medical University, Co-chairman of the student society "Bioethics Wings " of the International Network of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics

N. Soloviev

Volgograd State Medical University

Email: zenonia@list.ru
Student of the Faculty of General Medicine, Volgograd State Medical University, Co-chairman of the student society "Bioethics Wings " of the International Network of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics


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