A New textbook on Bioethics




The article provided information on the appearance of a new modern textbook on bioethics catering for students of medical schools published by the KnoRus Publishing House (Moscow). This event is of great importance for the Bioethics journal as the textbook includes the topics discussed by the journal authors. It also recommends the best articles to be studied by students. The textbook is practical realization of the teamwork of the editorial staff as well as numerous bioethics enthusiasts, the authors of the journal.


Dear readers and authors of our journal! I am happy to inform you that discussion of bioethics teaching problems in our journal has been translated into practice. Taking into consideration all wishes of those who participated in the discussion as well as experience of teaching bioethics in various medical universities of Russia, a new textbook of Bioethics was created for medical students (specialist diploma) [1]. The author is a Vice - chairperson of Training and Methodological Board in humanities of the Training and Methodological Association of Ministry of Health of Russia, Honored Science Worker of RF, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Law, Professor N. Sedova. The textbook is set out to present the main propositions of bioethics to be studied by under - and post - graduate medical students in Russia under the State standard of higher vocational education, generation 3+. The content of the textbook reflects the main points of the course of Bioethics considered in the curricula of various Russian universities and based on experience of discussing these programs by the Training and Methodological Board in humanities of the Training and Methodological Association of Ministry of Health of Russia and the editorial board of the federal scientific and practical journal “Bioethics” [2, 3, 4, 5]. Being a participant of the UNESCO’s International Forum of bioethics teachers, the author makes use of international experience in teaching Bioethics. The textbook contains conceptual constructs, historical surveys, case studies, the author’s reflections, as well as questions for revision, selfstudy and the list of recommended publications. The eversion of the textbook contains tests for each topic of the course. The textbook is intended for under - and postgraduate students of medical universities, as well as for course participants of postgraduate education. A distinguishing feature of this edition is that the articles from our journal are recommended as additional material which is the evidence of modernity and relevance of the learning material. Besides, typical cases analyzed in the textbook were suggested by our authors who share their experience in the chapter “Applied Bioethics”. We express our gratitude to “KnoRus” publishing house whose editors, proofreaders and illustrators made publishing of the textbook as a memorable event. We hope that articles of the journal will be in demand by authors of other educational and scientific publications!


V. Petrov

The Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences


  1. Доника А.Д. Медицинское право: европейские традиции и международные тенденции // Биоэтика. № 2(10). 2012. С. 54 - 55.
  2. Доника А.Д. Проблема формирования этических регуляторов профессиональной деятельности врача // Биоэтика. 2015. № 1(15). С. 58 - 60.
  3. Седова Н.Н. Образование в области биоэтики как интернациональная проблема // Биоэтика. - 2012. - № 2 (10). - С. 22 - 26.
  4. Седова Н.Н. Биоэтика. Учебник для студентов медицинских вузов. М.: Изд-во «КноРус», 2016. 242 с.
  5. Серова И.А., Ягодина А.Ю. К вопросу модернизации содержания предмета «Биоэтика» // Биоэтика. - 2012. - № 2 (10). - С. 27 - 29.
  6. Силуянова И.В. Изучение Биоэтики - задачи и структура // Биоэтика. 2012. № 2 (10). С. 30.



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